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Wednesday 17 August 2016

Some Retreat Notes – Day 2 - (1046)

Introduction (4 Note Sections)

This post contains the notes taken during the second day of a small local retreat that took place after the retreat at Lake George, in a small place off shore from the North American mainland.

Levels of Consciousness (1/4)

Each dimension has 7 levels of consciousness.

Even the physical dimension has 7 levels. The first three levels are for people in life. One begins the process of awakening when one enters the fourth level of consciousness.

The fifth sub-level is when we are relatively awake on a minor scale in the dimension that we are currently in. The seventh sub-level is the full awakening in the dimension in which we are in.

The consciousness even though it is awakened has its certain limits.

The consciousness is really a light bulb!

The consciousness gives us the ability to see and to expand our awareness and vision. Once it expands it allows us to see more of our egos as well as allowing us to keep ourselves awakened and on the path.

Sidereal Year I (2/4)

Nine Heavens are the Mesocosmos

The nine heavens of the Earth belong to the Mesocosmos.

Nine Infernos are the Tritocosmos

The nine infernos of the Earth, that is the nine Dantean circles belong to the Tritocosmos.

Eden which is the vital part of the Earth is neutral which is exactly between the heavens and the infernos. The physical and the vital are exactly in between the heavens and the infernos.

The nine levels of the Tritocosmos respond to the nine levels or nine heavens in the Mesocosmos.

The interesting thing is that these nine levels of the Tritocosmos and Mesocosmos are real and outside of ourselves and yet they are also inside of ourselves.

Sidereal Year is 25,968 Years Long

The sidereal year is 25,968 years long.

It is the time that our solar system takes to orbit or complete one full revolution around the central sun Alcione.


Alcione is the central sun of the Pleaides system.

Seven solar systems evolve around the central sun of the Pleaides, Alcione.

Our solar system which is called Ors, revolves around Alcione passing by the Zodiacal belt, which contains all the 12 constellations of the Zodiac.

New Age of Aquarius

On the 4th of February 1962, our Solar System, passed through the section of its orbit around Alcione that is ruled by the Zodiacal Constellation of Aquarius.

Here below are the proportions in degrees rounded up to the nearest whole degree of the orbit around the Zodiac belt that is divided, into 12 Zodiacal constellations.

Sidereal Year II (3/4)

The Absolute is divided into 3 Aspects,

AIN (Aleohim and Adhi-Budha)

In AIN is the un manifested Absolute. In there is the Aelohim, our Adhi-Buddha, the Eternal Cosmic Common Father.

There Aeon 13 is contained. It is abstract absolute pace, unconditioned and eternal, uncreated light, the causa causorum of all that is, has been and will be.

AIN SOPH AUR - 1st Protocosmos

Sorry notes are missing! I think we had to go so my note taking got cut short.

We Must Adore our Divine Mother (4/4)

We have to develop along the way a tremendous adoration or love for the Divine Mother. She has to become our one and only love. This is how we can internalise our love and our sexuality.

End (1046).

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