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Thursday 25 August 2016

The Blood of the Lamb Washes Away the Sins of the World - (1067)

Enigmatic Phrase in the Bible

There is this very enigmatic phrase in the bible to do with the “blood of the lamb”. It says that: “the blood of the lamb washes away the sins of the Earth.”

This baffled me for so many years until I found Gnosis and here below is what Master Samael says about it.

Excerpt From Master Samael (El Quinto Evangelio, page 1257)

“The flesh of the Christ is the mercury of the wise and the blood, I repeat is the wine, the sulphur.

The blood of the sacrificial lamb that washes away the sins of the world, is the fire, the sulphur that burns within the entrails of the Earth…

When we strike a rock with a flint, fire results, that is to say, sulphur…

The Christ is crucified in the world from the dawn of life, He is the fire…

What interests us particularly is the flame of the flame, the occult of the occult, the astral signature of the fire, the fire of the fire; this mystical fire that the vestals of ancient Rome cultivated, this mystical fire that was venerated by the Persians in the land of Zarathustra, the fire that they rendered cult to,here in our beloved Mexican land, is precisely the Cosmic Christ, it is the sulphur of the wise, INRI..”


The lamb is the Christ or the intimate Christ and it is His blood that washes away the sins of the Earth, and his blood is the sulphur or the fire. To fulfil this phrase, we have to transmute, that is liberate this fire from our mercury or sexual energy and use it to dissolve the ego, which washes away the causes of our errors or sins.

End (1067).