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Monday 8 August 2016

The Value Inside Inverted to Become Lust is: Sexuality with Love - (1025)

What is the Value hidden inside of lust?

This question may also be asked in the following way: “What is the value that is the antidote to lust?”.

The answer to this question may not be so easy to find, however a very good start is: “a sexuality with love”.

Define Lust as Sexuality Devoid of Love

We can quite accurately define lust as a sexuality without love. The more we look at lust the more we see that this definition is very true or very wise.

Sexuality with Love but Love for the Being First

So the key to dissolving an ego is to find the value that is trapped in the defect and begin to apply it so that it dissolves the defect. So for lust the key is a sexuality but with love. Love is the tricky part, which will include the conscious love for one’s partner but that is not all, there is another love needed as well and it is called the love of one’s Being (one’s inner Spirit-Atman) through sexuality.

This kind of love is more encompassing and shows us the way all the time. When we are single when we are married and when we are married and can not practice Alchemy for a while.

This type of love is the one which looks up lovingly at the Being first of all and does only what in sexuality will enhance oneself and the Being inside of oneself. 

Much of lust is not about loving one self’s higher part – the Being, it a lot about simply disregarding one’s own Being and diving into matter and sensations. And so by doing this we draw further away from the Being. When we do this we weaken the Being in us and we feel weakened, confused, heavier, lacking will, more constrained and in debt and delayed and overall not very well. What harms us also harms our Being. So when we love the Being we do what is better for our Being and ourselves.

Applying this Value

Applying this love for the Being with sexuality is to think beforehand if that action in sexuality will enhance the Being in myself? Will it enhance the relationship that I have with the Being? If it improves my relationship with the Being it will make me and the Being feel better. Therefore, I am not losing anything or missing out on anything I am gaining something, and something beautiful and something which is more of myself, which is really what lust is trying to do but does it seeking unity in the wrong way.

That is exactly what happens to us when we only concentrate on our partner
and forget our Being. Love the Being first and that love will flow to everyone
and everywhere. Love others by loving the Being in you.

Lust seeks unity by succumbing and fornicating by being weakened and therefore subservient to the other. But the real unity is to seek the unity with the Being inside of one and this is done using sexuality focused through the love for the Being.


When we love the Being we will love our partner. We may love our partner but forget our Being, that is what many other people do. When we love the Being through sexuality we can be sure that the transmuted energy will rise to the Being. If we are only focused on loving our partner it may not reach the heights of our Being.

End (1025).

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