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Monday 29 August 2016

Weapons of Comprehension and Will - (1077)

Weapons Sharp and Ready

When after a long or brief repose, we feel that a bothersome ego wants to return to our human machine, it is very helpful to be ready.

One good way to be ready is to arm yourself with all of your weapons so to speak, of comprehension and will.

The following points of comprehension converted into words may be helpful.

I Shall Fall Back in Time and in Karma if I get Identified!

To get identified once again is worse than stagnation because it means to undo the work we have done previously and return to a state where that ego was once very strong.

There are New Octaves of Consciousness Waiting Just If I Don’t Identify!

A whole new corridor leading into open green pastures awaits. It is up to us to choose.

When am I going to Gain Control? For How Long am I going to be without Control? It is Time Enough!

It is time enough, we can’t be with this defect as strong as it is and advance in the work and on the path.

I must have that Value Self-Contained and not Dependent on Outside Factors!

If we don’t claim this value by making it independent of all external factors, our Being will never have this value, and so He will not be able to be fully integrated in Himself and so he will remain incomplete and unrealised.

I must come to Possess Completely that Value, how can my Being Be Complete Otherwise, I must Return that Value into His hands

To have that value or for it to be returned to the Being, means guaranteed happiness in that area of life. That is the rightful place for that value to be – that is, in the hands of the Being. It is His!

It is not Worth it! The Consequences Far Outweigh the Manifestation!

We know this very well, three seconds of shooting our mouth off costs us two or more weeks of awkwardness with other people.

No Matter What this Ego Tells me, If I do What it Wants I am not going to be Happy!

We have always been left disillusioned, disappointment, regretful, lamenting and sorry after this ego manifests. Why will this time be different. The ego is a great liar and deceiver, but it is not going to trick us this time.

I am Fine Now, Why to Spoil that and Introduce Turmoil into my Inner and Outer Life?

Before the ego we are calm and after it manifests, because we identified with it – turmoil results until we make intense efforts to keep it under control, and time and the consciousness displace it. Just don’t identify, by making an effort for a few minutes saves us having to make tremendous efforts later.

Only By Overcoming this Ego will the Line of my Future in the Being Take Shape

The worst is to feel that we don't have a shaped or defined future, because the ego is so strong that it erases the projection of our future in the Being. This is the worst, to feel that insecurity and that waste of all that has been done up to now.

End (1077).

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