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Thursday 4 August 2016

What Desire Does - (1016)

According to Pistis Sophia what desire does is to take us or Pistis Sophia further down our Sephirotic tree where things are much more dense.

Desire always takes us further from the Being and as the Pistis Sophia says, it introduces negative thoughts into our mind and through the mind negativity enters into our system.

It is very wise to be wary of desire and especially the act of feeding it. When we feed desire it only gets worse. So when we work on it, we have to not feed it (not think about it), this is because it gets stronger and blocks us from seeing deeper into it so to understand it better. When we feed desire we become restless and confused.

Every desire is a gaping hole that wishes to be fed and the ego acts in the wrong way to fed it but it never does really calm the desire because it can only be filled with the Being or the values of the Being. Every desire is like a wound that has to be healed with the right value of the Being.

We must find the value of the Being involved and then begin to act out of that value and educate our free essence, that this is best way and also at the same time watch how that gaping hole is gradually filled and filled with comprehension and with awareness that it is being filled and knowledge of why this is the better way 'to be'.

When we see the dissolution of the ego as better or the exercising of the value of the Being involved in this ego then we are more ready to die in that ego. For as long as we see the ego better we will never die.

End (1016).

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