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Monday 12 September 2016

Can a Person Give their Life for Another Before the Divine Law? – (1103)


I have thought about whether this is possible for many years and there is something of a feeling that I have deep down, that believes it may well be possible.

This post is really me bringing that feeling up into the light for investigation using the Gnostic teachings given to us by Master Samael as a reference.

However, I have to say that after having written this post, I do not have a clear and conscious ability to definitely say yes it can be done and has been successfully done! I don't really know!

The thing is though for a person to get real knowledge of it from first hand experience, someone would have to die and I think no one really wants to witness that.

Over the Centuries…

I’m sure that over the centuries there have been many parents and people of all of kinds that have wished that they could do this for those they loved.

I am even sure that there have been many over the centuries who have even prayed offering their life to save or prolong the life of another.

I am sure that there have been people that have in earnest searched through the rites and rituals of old, and have may even carried out what they have found. Who knows if they succeeded or not.

What we can surmise from our Gnostic studies is that if anyone has ever searched for it, they would have had to have embraced the esoteric, that is the Divine Law and its Judges, Occult Medicine and those special awakened human beings capable of lending their valuable assistance in officiating such a rite.

A Feature of Many Legends, Lore and Stories

Many legends, stories and lore have this quest as the central background motivation. It has marked the beginning of many life stories and even in some stories or legends it was what diverted the seeker or was what led the seeker to the secret path.


There are certain anecdotes where Master Samael did something similar to this for others. He didn’t give his life (he didn't need to he had so much merit) but he made an arrangement dealing with the Divine Law and the Angels of Death, to instil into the person’s damaged body the life span that the person was destined to have in a future body.

There was another case where Master Samael and his Wife V.M Litelantes assisted a lady in making an arrangement with the Divine Law, where the lady linked her karma to that of her husband so that he would be healed. Her offered was accepted and he was healed.

The "Taizan Fukun No Sai" Rite

Taizan Fukan is known to be the name of an ancient Chinese deity who is the ruler of the underworld, very much like Anubis to the Egyptians and Hades to the Greeks, suggesting the involvement of the Divine Law.

This rite was known to be able to revive the dead and miraculously heal people. It has been recorded that it was performed several times by Abe no Seimei and others in Japanese history.

So therefore such rites exist.

The semi-fictional movie where you see this in action is in the movie called “Ying Yang Masters” or Onmyoji, where Abe No Seimei saves his disciple Hiromasa after he has been hit by an arrow in an effort to save a lady who had been unjustly bewitched.

Before the Divine Law

What we can say for certain is that such an offer means a change in destiny or what has been set in place.

Obviously it is the destiny of the ill person to die or remain ill and it is the destiny of the well person making the offer to live. Or who knows perhaps the making of such an offer had been written into the destiny of the two people centuries ago (an esoteric recurrence).

Such an offer because it concerns destiny and karma has to be presented before the Divine Law and accepted by the Divine Law and processed by the Divine Law.

Also the Monads of the person involved could have a say in it as well. Imagine that it is not in the will of one Monad to lose Its physical vehicle in such an offer before time. Or imagine it is the will of a Monad that Its vehicle dies from such an illness etc. so that His plans in the future (that perhaps in some way depend on this death) can be realised.

Also the qualities and projected future of the person to be saved could also be a determining factor, and for that matter the projected future and quality of the person making the offer. If prolonging the life of one is to benefit many that would make more sense. 

Perhaps it depends a lot on who is officiating in the ceremony or rite.

Imagine the new calculations that have to be made, to readjust the destinies of the two essences and all those who are to be affected by them. Very intricate.


I think we can not rule out the possibility of it being done, if Master Samael was able to make such an arrangement before the Divine Law, it says that these types of arrangements of healing and prolonging of life can be made. It seems though that it depends greatly on who leads the ceremony or dealings and if the people it involves are working on themselves and finally if the Divine Law accepts it.

End (1103).

1 comment:

  1. I read somewhere that when Omar Cherenzi Lind started becoming a big obstacle for the growth of the Gnostic movement, arrangements were made with the Karmic Judges for his disincarnation. Swami Sivananda (and maybe someone else) offered to give their lives so that Omar Cherenzi does and the Movement progresses. The offer was accepted.
