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Monday 12 September 2016

How Do you Know When Enough is Enough? – (1100)


Sometimes we may be in a difficult situation and we want to do something about it, but we don’t want to let the ego in us do that “something about it”, and so we stall. We feel hesitant, unsure and in the meantime things are still the same or getting worse and there is a pressure building up inside of us.

My hope with this post is that it can help in providing some ideas when it could be a good time to do something.

There are People that…

There are people that treat others in various different ways. Sometimes that may treat you well and other times they may treat you badly. Sometimes these people are those that can dish out a lot of harsh treatment and expect to be treated well all the time in return, and when we treat them just a little like they have treated us, things get ten times worse and we get a ten times harsher treatment back. There are certainly people like around, even in the Gnostic studies (you may say how can that be, I say easy, they just need to work harder on their egos of pride).

Such people would not stand for a minute or two really the treatment that they dish out to others being directed towards them. Some awakening in needed in that area.

When what we Give is not Conditioned by what we Receive

We normally only give to others when they give something to us or they are nice to us. As soon as they are not nice or they get distant or they treat us harshly we stop treating them well and we withdraw what we usually give them, which could be material things, our time and even some of our values such as our patience, our understanding, our psychological work and even our tolerance etc.

This is an enormous struggle and is only really consistently won when there exits inside of us a structure that is made up of essence or consciousness. Or we are able to answer these events with our essence, because the essence or consciousness are the ones that give of themselves and do not depend on receiving to dictate what to give. The nature of the essence is to give it is only the ego that is relative in nature that feels happy to give once it receives.

Let’s imagine though that we are able to do that, give without receiving, there will come a time though where the situation can go beyond a certain line where there is just one person keeping their line of good treatment and the other continues with their nasty and obnoxious treatment and behavior. So then, what do we do and when do we do it?

But just before I answer that I want to say that we can keep our line of treatment easily by email, text message but in person it is more difficult, yet it can be done and to do it one must work resentment and be drawing upon one’s essence all the time, compensating the unbalance between giving and receiving from inside of oneself. For example, the ardent yearning to establish one’s centre of gravity in the essence to be able to decide to keep one’s line of behavior and actually do it is enough at times to compensate the imbalance from inside.

So When is Enough Enough?

Short Answer – The End Result!

How is that?

That’s right when one sees the end result of this imbalance is going to be bad then one can set things straight so to speak and perhaps ask to be treated in one way only or to ask what is going on and to clear things up.

For example, if we see that this harsh treatment is going to ruin the relationship or harm one person or another, the end result is obviously going to be bad so it is time to do something.

The less we attack the other and keep to the facts, stick to what is reasonable and remain calm we can actually turn things around and reach some understanding and solve the situation or at least make it better.

End (1100).

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