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Monday 19 September 2016

No Sexual Failure of Any Kind Without the Mind – (1123)


What happens to many people is that they don’t separate the mind and the sexual centre. We really need to, when dealing with and working with the sexual energy.

Problem is in the Mind

The sexual energy itself is no problem, it can obey the mind and when left alone it functions according to its nature which is not good nor bad. It is just its nature that has been assigned to it by nature, by God, by I don't really know... Anyhow, it is powerful, volatile and hard to store all by itself with or without the mind.

The way it is used or channelled produces results which go along the lines of Master Samael words which say: “In sex we find the greatest power which can liberate or enslave...”.

It is the mind that acts on the sexual energy that produces this result, that is the result of being liberated or enslaved.

There is no doubt though that if the sexual energy has been used in a certain way for a long time it becomes magnetised or aligned with that usage and to change that way requires some retraining and remagnetising.

Imagine our sexual energy is like a pond. Imagine our body when it produces sexual energy it pours clear water into that pond. With our thoughts we stain that water and make it dark. The darkened water then darkens the new clear water that enters the pond and with more lustful thoughts the waters continue being dark. The waters of that pond are darkened further when we use the sexual waters inline with those lustful thoughts. The waters being adaptable (as water is), they adapt to the nature of the thoughts and the nature of the use it has being given.

No Sexual Failure without the Mind

No one would fail sexually or fail any of the sexual tests or use the sexual energy for unbecoming purposes if the mind was turned off. No mind no failure.

It is so crucial to separate the mental layer of things from our sexual energy.

No wrong, unbecoming action to do with the sexual energy is processed without the intervention of the mind.

So if a person is able to first work intensely with the thoughts or the mental aspect of the ego of lust by changing the way of thinking that person will improve things a lot and most importantly, if that person knows first of all that if the thoughts that come from the ego of lust can be let go of or separated, the sexual centre will come inline, so that then all that is needed is transmutation to solve the whole sexual problem, being single or married.

All sexual problems can be dealt with by first separating the thoughts from the sexual centre. That is by knowing that the thoughts are the cause of the problem and letting go of the thoughts as quickly as possible brings things under control.

Sexual Energy with no Direction

If we remove the mental layer that by virtue of lust or any other thinker ('I'), influences the sexual centre the sexual energy is there but has no nowhere to go. Then there is transmutation to give it a direction to flow. The consciousness and essence in us knows that this direction is the right one or the one that will enhance itself.


The lustful thoughts give all the time a direction for the sexual energy to flow. The first step to really be able to fix everything to do with the sexual energy, the sexual waters is to separate the mind from the sexual centre.

We don’t need to go with the lustful thoughts, why do we have to? If we think we have to, we have to really investigate that. There is some belief there that is erroneous, the masters don’t go with the lustful thoughts.

The same thing with the emotions. There is no sadness without thoughts being there first. Separate from the sad thoughts and the result - don’t feel sad.

End (1123).

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