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Wednesday 21 September 2016

Prayers to the Beings of Light and Fire – (1127)


The way we can relate well with the two worlds, that is, the internal and external worlds is by being helpful and kind to other human beings and by meditating on and praying to our inner Being and also by praying to and meditating on the Beings of Light that dwell in the superior worlds, which are commonly known by the terms masters, angels, archangels etc.

When we Pray

When we pray to a Being of light or a master, we connect to their temple or even their heart temple, and through this connection they can then feel our presence and this reminds or lets them know that we exist.

Connection and Communication

This connection and communication if we use it, can remind the masters of what we need and can open a channel of communication with them where we can receive some help, some information and teachings according to our needs.

This is all to our benefit to be connected to the masters of light in the superior worlds. They can help us, protect us and even we can help them in small ways.

Masters of the Law

It is very good, for example to connect with the masters of the Law from time to time or even regularly. So that they can guide us, warn us, prepare us for future circumstances. All of our future is registered there in the Law and so those masters know about our future.

If we are moving from one place to another or starting something new such as a relationship, a new group, a new mission etc. connecting with the Law about these things could prove very helpful.

When we ask for Help

These words come from my marvellous missionary regarding this topic of our future circumstances and asking for help from the Law.

“Everything we do has a cause behind it and that cause sets the direction and nature of the way our circumstances will unfold. When we for example, ask for protection, that help of protection moves ahead of us in time, to protect us right now and in the future.”

End (1127).

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