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Monday 5 September 2016

The True Sentiment of the Astral Body – (1089)

Sentiments of the Being

Master Samael says that with the astral body one can feel the sentiments of the Being.

The sentiments of the Being are what are true or what reflect the truth.

Sentiments are different to emotions.

As the truth does not change the sentiments of the Being do not change, they continue of the same quality reflecting the same truth.


Emotions come and go and change.

In the humanoid condition that is without the Being (human soul or higher) or without the state where we have the essence as the centre of gravity, we mostly experience emotions which we confuse as being the sentiment of the Being. We confuse these emotions as being expressions of truth. But they are not reflections of the truth because they change.

We feel at night that something is ok, but come the morning it all changes and it feels different. We feel we love and that that feeling of love is true, but it changes etc. etc. We may feel something about a thing, activity or person and we feel that that feeling is a true perception but it later changes, showing us that what we felt was only an emotion.


The point of this post is to be weary of the emotions, if they seem to be reflecting a truth about something or about ourselves just wait. If they change, it was a subjective state producing subjective emotions, but if they remain then they could well be sentiments of the Being and perhaps there is an astral body there involved. But it yet has to be confirmed and known with more concrete evidence before conclusively concluding that to ourselves.

End (1089).

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