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Thursday 29 September 2016

Tree of Life Within – (1151)


A marvellous missionary in her talk on the Being raised this point about the Tree of Life within us and its relationship to our sexual waters.

Connecting to the Tree of Life

The tree of life has its origin within the Absolute. We too have our inner Absolute and it is our chaos or our sexual waters.

The roots of the tree of life within us are in our sexual system. The sexual waters are what provide the nourishment for the tree of life within us. That is why the cleaner and clearer the waters are the better it is for our inner tree of life.

In conclusion to the talk was this point was that the way to connect to our tree of life and our absolute within is with the sexual energy. That is by transmuting it and moving it into and upwards through eh tree of life.


I think that there are major points for us to be aware of here. The first one is that we have a tree of life within us. We have the absolute within us too. The origin of our tree of life is in the sexual waters and when we transmute and work to purify our waters we give our tree of life the best nourishment possible.

Our real work or cosmic duty is to give full life to that tree of life within us and become fully conscious of it.

End (1151).

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