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Monday 26 September 2016

Trying to Control Can Lead to Suffering – (1138)


This post is inspired from an email a friend sent in response to the previous post about ‘control freaks’.

In many cases the title of this post rings true. If I look into my life I see that it is mostly right.

There are some cases where we end up quite happy because everything went our way, but we can’t guarantee that it will be that way in the future.

I think that any Gnostic would not want things to go their way because that is a tremendous weakness and it essentially means we are not open to the new and we are not open to the real and if that is the case how can we ever expect to embrace our Being when it is outside of our control and is the real in us and is of the real, the great reality.

We try to exert control in many areas of life. From trying to control external events to people’s hearts to the progress of our own path. Once again trying to control these areas and more, leaves us suffering.

No Control without a Goal

There can be no control without there being a goal of some kind. Whenever we control we certainly have a goal. This we may know and this we may not be fully aware of.

This point tells us that to eliminate control over this and that we have drop our goals or ideals or standards or narrow desires. That is the key, and at times ‘easier said than done”.

Control and Epigenesis

We may think that the faculty of epigenesis is to be a ‘control freak’ but that is not so. The faculty of epigenesis is of the consciousness and to be a ‘control freak’ is of the conditioned will and is a weakness.

A ‘control freak’ wants to do what epigenesis does but it can not, because his/her will is conditioned, our will must be free to determine circumstances. A person using epigenesis wishes to determine circumstances for conscious reasons, a 'control freak' wishes to determine circumstances always for for selfish reasons.

Next Two Posts

I am going to use the next two posts to finish off this topic of the controlling. One will be to do with controlling people’s hearts and the other to do with controlling the progress of our path.

End (1138).

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