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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Want to Know Your Future? – (1108)


We always wonder about our future especially if we are going to do something decent in the spiritual work this life. Are we going to awaken the kundalini? Are we going to incarnate our human soul? Are we going to finish the first mountain? Will we be free in degree from Samsara? Will we be able to die consciously?

I was going to rephrase the following excerpt that I came across but I decided that it was best to just leave it as I found it.

I think that it makes sense, it is not from Master Samael, but from someone who has said quite a few reasonable things.


“Everyone is curious to know their future, it is only natural, but they do not have to go and consult clairvoyants to find out about it. It is very easy to know one’s future and I can show you. You will not know who you will soon meet, the money you’ll lose or win, future illness, accidents, success, and so on. But what does that matter? The most important for you to know is whether or not you’ll move ahead on the path of evolution, if you’ll find freedom, light and peace. And that is very easy to know. If you love everything that is great, noble, just and beautiful, and you work with all your heart, all your mind and all your will to achieve it and make it a reality, your future is already mapped out for you: one day you will live in conditions that match your aspirations and your ideal.

That is all you need to know about your future. The rest is secondary because it can be given to you and taken away again. When you leave the earth, all that will truly remain is what matches the aspirations of your soul and spirit.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (1108).

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