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Tuesday 20 September 2016

What to do when your Missionary Says you Need More Death – (1125)

Have an Inner Grumble

Usually people have an inner grumble and say things like: “that ‘s what I have been doing, I can’t go further, I’m stuck, that doesn’t help, yeah yeah yeah I know I know, I can’t” etc. etc.

After we get over that initial reaction, if we have one, we may ask how do I do that, I have been trying and it doesn’t work.

Well maybe try this…

One Way to Start

Say to yourself this is an ego and to die in that ego means to make it weaker. Which means to starve it and ask the Divine Mother to work on its dissolution.

Starve it

To starve it means to isolate it from our psychology. That is to be very aware of when it appears and then not give it our mind to think. Keep it constantly outside of our thoughts. It may jump into our human machine, that does not matter we still have to do our very best to let go of the thoughts, don’t continue with the thoughts, don’t allow it to think, keep letting the thoughts go and go and go. Don’t fight with it or get frustrated just let go and let go and let go.

Knowing that it is an ego and when we follow its thoughts we become like it and we will feel that we need what it wants and we are in trouble all over again. You are not that ego. It goes and you are still there. If you were it, you would go when it goes but you do not go, you stay.

Divine Mother and Dissolve

Put your will, intention and sincere heart into this and pray asking the Divine Mother to work on its dissolution. Tell the Divine Mother with will, firm intention and sincere heart how it must die and how you want it to die.

When it Quietens Down Dive into Investigation

When the bothersome ego quietens down then dive into the investigation of it. This is so to deepen your comprehension and make the dissolution of it deeper.

End (1125).

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