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Monday 24 October 2016

Essence: The Deeper Layer - (1210)

Deeper Closer to Core

The essence in us thank God is the deeper layer.

The ego operates on a more superficial layer.

It is said that a more conscious humanity lives in the subterranean levels away from the surface of the Earth.

One may observe that there is the ego – a certain layer of ourselves wanting something and getting what it wants, then on a deeper level within us there is something observing that and feeling from a deeper point, a point closer to our very inner core that says: “that is not really needed, what this ego wants”.

This is a very interesting and valuable observation or experience for the work on ourselves. Because it shows that our essence which is our deeper, more essential self, us really, does not need what the ego wants, it really feels that it does not need it and it doesn't, yet the ego always does the same - tries so hard to convince the free and awakened essence that it needs what it wants or believes that it needs what it wants.

End (1210).

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