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Sunday 23 October 2016

Essence: Fourth Part - Trapped and Awaken - (1208)


There is also a fourth part of the essence to add onto the three parts that I have mentioned in earlier posts. I don’t think that there are any more after this one.

Trapped but Awaken

There is the very curious case of the bad guys. Those essences that choose knowingly or unknowingly the left hand path.

In Abyss Trapped Essence Awakens in Evil and for Evil

Master Samael says that in the abyss these essences awaken in evil and for evil. They may well be operating consciously and voluntarily in the astral and mental planes, and if they have a physical body they unfold consciously into the astral and mental planes, do what they have to or want to do and then come back to their physical body.

Obviously those essences, have a degree of awakening to be able to do that but obviously their essence is not free. When they operate they usually operate for the interests of evil or of the ‘ego’. If the essence that they have, which is awakened in evil were free, they would be totally different, they would be expressing their Real Being. But they don't do that.

It makes sense to me that their essence is trapped but awakens while being inside the ego, making them very wise to evil and to the negative side of the duality of all things.

Conditioned Awakening

Their awakening is not boundless, it is conditioned. Because the essence that is awakened in evil, being trapped inside the ego sees more of the negative side of things, it is awakened to the science of the negative side of all things.

A given result can be gained by two general means, through a way polarised with darkness or a way polarised with light. They choose the way polarised with darkness, which may harm others, and hence their karma.

Their awakening does not save them, they end up going into the involution the same, and have their egos broken down in exactly the same way as essences who have the ego but have reached 108 lives here on the planet Earth.

Free and awakened Essence the Unlimited and Unconditioned Awakening

If one has free essence that is awakened, one does not have to go to the abyss, one is free and can join the Real Being, those bad guys can’t do that even though they are awakened in evil. The one who has free and awakened essence sees both sides of duality and is above both sides. This is why our awakening in Gnosis is the real one and is the unconditioned and unlimited one. The awakening of the bad guys is conditioned and limited.

Integration of the Ego into One

In the abyss something happens in relation to essence. Actually Master Samael says two things happen. One is that the essence inside the egos awakens in evil for evil and the second thing is that all the egos integrate later on into one super block of ego. Which is the opposite of the integration of the various parts of the Being into one.

Bad Guys Allowed to Exist

While we are on this topic, I have asked myself many times why do these guys exist. Obviously because they are allowed to exist for as long they are allowed to. If the Great Cosmic Law did not want them they would be already gone. They represent the other side of duality, and of course the two sides of duality by nature must be present in creation and be in a state of constant clashing. So they have the right to attack the white and the white of course has the right and duty to defend itself.

They exist for some reason. We can’t wipe them out, that is up to the Solar logos and to the Law and our role is only to be vigilant and to take measures and precautions to protect and when necessary defend ourselves so as to not be harmed.


Therefore, there is the final and fourth part of the essence: the trapped yet awakened part which is awakened in evil. It is a conditioned awakening, conditioned by evil.

I don’t know really maybe within a human being here on Earth there could be parts of his or her essence that are in this condition, it just depends on what they have done in their past life. Perhaps those who have made a living out of the ego and have become so wise to the way the egos work and have exploited that knowledge with their egos, have some of their essence that is trapped in a ego awakened. Imagine a man who is so greedy to do with money that he knows how people work, he knows when is the best moment in the market to buy or sell, what to say, what to do to get the maximum amount of money, how to get money out of people, how to trick people etc. Such people are aware of reality and what they do works, it produces results yet it is all for the ego of greed’s benefit. Obviously such an ego, one that has trapped yet awakened essence in it, is stronger and is much much more difficult to dissolve, than if it was just a standard ego. 

End (1208).

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