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Wednesday 19 October 2016

Essence: Three Parts - (1204)


The first post in this series is about the three parts of essence that we have.

Three Parts of Essence

Within us there are three parts of essence.

1 - Free and Awakened

There is the part that is free and awakened. This is the part that is our consciousness. This is the part that does the work, this is the part that saves us and without which we would really be lost.

Master Samael said that in his time, on average humanity had 3% of their total essence free and awakened. This number varies from individual to individual and now this 3% maybe well less.

It is also the one that is tested. More so at the beginning of the path, because this part of essence actually develops and changes to form the seminal pearl and later the golden embryo, and so in the later stages of the path it is these new fabrications that are tested.

Refer to the link below for some more information about the actual numbers with regards to the percentages of free and awakened essence. Who in history had what percentage of free and awakened essence etc. and other details.

2 - Free but Asleep

Surprisingly there is a part, usually a small part of our free and awakened essence that is free but asleep.

Obviously we must awaken it along the way. To the best of my knowledge and according to the answers from missionaries that I have received regarding this, it is not known how this free essence has come to be asleep. It is for sure known that it can exist, and once again its size varyies from individual to individual. One individual may have zero and some may have more.

It is not known if this free but asleep essence was once awakened and due to negligence in not exercising it enough, it over time fell asleep or it has come from an ego or egos that were eliminated as an exception where there was insufficient comprehension, as in the case of the Kabbalistic barks or Kabbalistic corpses, where the Divine Law or the Divine Mother decapitate an ego releasing the trapped essence inside of it as a special boon, before we have fully comprehended that ego.

This is usually the smallest part of the essence in most human beings. Except for when an essence emerges from the abyss after passing through the processes of involution and evolution. Here the essence is all free (no ego or egos) but only 3% of it is awakened.

In Master Rabalu's method of mystical death, which he called "death in motion" he explained that the method was to ask the Divine Mother to eliminate the small details of the "I's". He explained that just by knowing that they are details of  an "I" or very small "I's" in themselves, was sufficient to have the Divine Mother liberate the essence trapped in them. He then said that the minuscule percentages essence liberated this way by the Divine Mother form a fraction of the essence that is free but asleep and needs to be awakened through deep meditation.

3 – Trapped, Conditioned and Asleep

Finally, there is the part that is conditioned (bottled, trapped) and asleep.

The sleeping and conditioned part is greater in most human beings. The sleeping and conditioned part is fractioned into hundreds of smaller sleeping and conditioned parts and this is precisely what constitutes the many “I’s” that we have, and when we put them all together we get the ‘myself’, the ‘ego’.

The master in the second mountain after eliminating the three demons dissolves the myself and what remains are isolated “I’s” or “I’s” that are not so strongly linked together forming that solid overall structure which is the ‘myself’. The ‘myself’ is the central core of the egoic structure that links many “I’s” together.


This much we know: the free and awakened essence is the result of psychological work, the free but asleep essence needs to be awakened and the trapped and asleep essence needs to be freed.

When we work on the trapped and asleep essence we free it and we also awaken it.

End (1204).

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