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Wednesday 12 October 2016

No Debt - No Jealousy! - (1185)


This post is just to bring to your awareness something about the nature of jealousy.

I want to say that I am not writing this for anybody, or sending a subtle indirect message to anyone. It is a discovery that I made one day and I have been noting down my observations for while just to make sure it is a valid bit of useful knowledge. Here it is!

A pretty typical situation of jealousy we have all seen, at least a few times... 


If you feel jealous, good, look deep into it and ask yourself: “is there an unpaid debt in me?”. “Do I feel owed or let down in something or rather?”. Look look look… Did dig dig!!


If you look carefully enough, you will find it. It may not look like the classical type of psychological debt, but a debt none the less will be there. Guaranteed!


In fact, jealousy would be left without a backbone if there were no debt present. So here is a interesting key to do with jealousy. Remove psychological debts and jealousy will weaken.

End (1185).

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