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Saturday 29 October 2016

No One Rejects Anyone - (1228)


I personally think that to understand this point is so very practical and handy for our life, especially when it comes to human relations.


We feel hurt usually when we are rejected right? How many times have we been rejected? Many right? We are going to still get rejected right? It is not going to stop right? We will be rejected in the future guaranteed! But the pain can certainly stop! 

Personally I am committed to that, transforming the uncomfortable feelings that the ego feels due to a lack of understanding and remembering of the Being. 

Physical and Psychological Truths to Understand in Relation to Rejection

The physical and psychological truths are that none of us are inside of another person. None of us are fused into another person. We are two separate bodies and what we have of others inside of us are concepts, mental representations and values, and exactly the same thing for others in relation to us. 

So when some one rejects us they are really rejecting their own concept of us or value that they think we represent or the value that they have assigned to us. So really they are not rejecting us they are rejecting the concept they have given to us and the value they they have given to us. They are rejecting a part of their own mind.

I ask you this question can we reject something that we don't know or don't have a concept of it? Impossible right? Just try it if you don't believe it!

"A man forced to understand against his will is of the same opinion". We have to try things out for ourselves, otherwise we don't get to know anything different.

A person high up in the path stops rejecting others, this is clear, though anyone who has concepts still and the ego can reject another, but remember they are only rejecting a part of their own mind that they don't have under control or have not fully shone light onto it yet.

This is true too! Usually we are re-directed to ourselves, and what do we find
there? Our Inner Real Being and what is better than that?

Rejection is not Personal

It feels personal but it is of the other person not you. If they have had their mind quiet they would not reject! Absolutely for sure, especially if you did not represent any physical danger or were not giving off a negative impression that crossed the line.


Understanding that others don't really reject us in ourselves, but only reject really their own concept, representation or value that they themselves place on us. If they changed those concepts or didn't place them on us things would be drastically different.

Understanding this deeply takes the sting out of our reactions to being rejected. Go over it and over it and until it sinks in deeply and for sure for the next time it will pay off, you'll see!

End (1228).

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