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Thursday 13 October 2016

Psychology of the Perpetrator of Pain - (1190)


The following are the notes that I jotted down one day when my marvellous missionary spoke about the particular psychology of the ones who inflicts pain on others.

Active Elements

Like, dislike, acceptance and rejection are the active elements within the psychology of a perpetrator of pain.

There is also a great deal of mechanical antipathy and sympathy in such a psychology.

Wrong Perceptions

When we are the perpetrators of pain it is because we have many wrong or negative concepts about the person.

Perpetrators of pain are judge and jury. There is a strong belief, concept and perception that the person is guilty all of the time.

This concept comes from a wrong perception.

This is because it is in our vested interests to see them as guilty.

In general, when someone does something wrong we should teach and educate rather than criticise and harm.

Agents of Pain

We are the agent of pain based on words and actions.

Charging against a person creates pain and then that bring us more pain.

There is also unnecessary suffering as well when we take things personally. Because that is the start of inflicting pain on others, which brings us more pain.

End (1190).

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