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Thursday 6 October 2016

We are Trying but the Other Side Isn't - (1171)


This is the typical situation that many people pass through and are currently living. The situation is where we are working and giving and the other person is stuck in hating and resenting us.

We whatever we do must not answer with the same value. We must not allow anything from the outside to ruin or destroy our values.

By the Laws of: Cause and Effect, Affinity and Correspondence

By the law of cause and effect, the law of affinities and the law of correspondence, when one has his or her values (values of the work or values of the ego) in constant action, these laws will function to bring to him or her much of the same.

In the situation mentioned above, the one that works will find oneself one day surrounded by those who work on themselves and manifest the values of the work, and the one who does not work will find him or herself one day surrounded by those who express the same values or similar, of the ego. Put simply, one day, the problematic party will change their conduct or the whole situation will one day totally physically change.

End (1171).

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