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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Emotional Centre is the Lever – (1312)

Magic Lever

The emotional centre is the ‘middle man’ between mind and action. It holds the balance of power. If it favours one side, action generally flows to that one side.

We need to work the emotion for the change, as this is such a formidable force that it can help us and on the other hand it can bury us as well. This is really what the ego uses to stay alive. It is very difficult, almost impossible to change when the emotion for the desire of the ego is much greater than the emotion for the change!

When Emotion Favours Dissolution – the Magic Lever Takes Effect!

As soon as the emotion for the opposite of the ego is an atom greater than the emotion for the ego, the end of the ego is close! The battle is about to be won.

As soon as the emotion in us favours change, the green light is given to many other forces within us to come and help. This we feel as a kind of renewed hope and enthusiasm to push forward in the work of continuing to dissolve that bothersome ego. Then it us up to us to go and conquer that change!

End (1312).

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