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Tuesday 22 November 2016

Reason Why Not to Mix Gnosis with the Personality? – (1305)


There is such a great tendency for people to mix personality with Gnosis. It is quite common and if left unchecked it can certainly become detrimental. This post explains how that can be.


The Gnostic teachings themselves belong to a dimension that is distinct to the dimension or sphere of the personality and life. So when the mixture of personality and Gnosis occurs elements from a dimension not of the same nature of Gnosis are introduced into it.

These new elements from the sphere of the personality have the effect of gradually watering down and fading out the importance of the key points in the Gnostic teachings, which are psychological death, transmutation and sacrifice for humanity.

This is all due to the law of entropy. Which acts to equalise all things to common low denominator.

Missionaries and Students

Missionaries will guard this from happening amongst the groups that they lead and students will guard this from happening in their personal work and life.

They do this so to align with the full force and current of the Gnostic teachings so to benefit their own essence and the essence of others.


Mixing the personality with Gnosis makes the effect of the teachings within people weaker. This weakened effect does not help people as much as it could if Gnosis was to be received or processed alone without any mixture.

In life when we study law, medicine, engineering etc. at university, what we study is not mixed with elements from any other unrelated sphere. Why should it be done with Gnosis? People in life don’t do it, for example like at university, the lectures don’t mix things, yet people demand that Gnosis does it, that is mix the teaching and practice of Gnosis with personality elements.

End (1305).

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