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Thursday 17 November 2016

Relativity and Duality Used at Our Demise – (1290)


This post is just to summarise the previous posts that covered some general aspects of duality and relativity.

Duality Sets Up Conflict

Our problem is that we are not one with reality in the first place. We have already existing within us, a whole world of concepts, beliefs, expectations, patterns, ways of thinking etc. that mostly come from our egos (some not, some are mental representations).

If our minds were empty, that is we were full of Being we would be one with reality and then no conflict and suffering ever.

Just the presence of these two factors in us makes for duality, and duality whenever or wherever it is, sets up a difference and therefore the potential for conflict. This is because conflicts come from differences, and most importantly we only see a difference when we use relativity. There is no problem until we perceive the difference. So the duality provides the potential for conflict and relativity takes us a step closer to the conflict. In fact, no duality no relativity, but more on that later. 

Relativity Perceives the Difference

Relativity is used to perceive the difference when or where two distinct factors are brought into play. Duality brings the two factors, and relativity sees the differences.

Relativity is like a comparison, it sees one based on the other. Or measures, sees or evaluates one referring to another.

That is the cause of our suffering where we use relativity to interpret reality and when the conclusion of that interpretation is against us, we suffer.


It is a chain really, because of duality we have two factors and because we have two factors we have a difference and relativity is used to perceive the difference and then relativity is used again to conclude the interpretation as against us or for us.

The above points are quite general and so the next posts will be more specific going into detail how each ego is the result of the conditioning of duality and relativity.

End (1290).

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