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Sunday 13 November 2016

Trump's In: Good or Bad? - (1274)

Over here in Australia there was for the first few days sadness and then shock. 

The newspapers over here were all predicting that Clinton would win and they were saying that Hillary would be the better choice as far as Australia is concerned. So there was some expectation that Hillary would win and whenever there is expectation there is bound to be some disappointment.

People didn't think he would really win and when he did win, those that didn't want him in power of course were sad. 

Many people that I know in Gnosis were or are still a little sad that he has won. Mainly because there is the thinking that he has a lower level of the Being (not much good comes from a low level of the being) and he is seemingly the perfect instrument to accelerate the processing of global karma and karma within America.

Others also think that Hillary deserved it more owing to all her past sufferings and the many years she has already served the country and that it would be a nice compensation for her, where as and Trump has everything already, and doesn't need compensation for anything etc. etc.

Though Trump is in, we just have to accept it. As soon as he moves into the white house, it will seem routine again. 

He already is going back on some of his positions and so the things that scared people about his positions are already softening, and besides, all politicians are the same they promise most of the time things that they just can't deliver. He is no exception.

There is also duality in everything, he has his good side or good points too as well as his bad side bad and points.

Who knows what he can really do once he is firmly within the clutches of the establishment. I imagine he can't upset the apple cart too much.

The last thing to say is that we can trust in the Divine Law, if the Law wants to give us more time they would do so by allowing the right person to win. We are all working and so we are a promise for the Law, I somehow don't feel that the law wants to shut us all down as quickly as it can. Say though, the Divine Law wants to give us less time, what can we do, we can only respond by working harder and faster, and maybe that is what we need - I don't know, but they know better than me! Anyhow, if the Divine Law allowed him to win there must be a reason for it. Well, it will become apparent soon enough.

In the meantime if we are sad what can we do but work harder and do our bit to help the planet transforming our darkness into light.

End (1274).

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