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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Why Does Anger Leave Us Shaking? – (1310)


It is quite common isn’t it when we get angry or full of angry pride we start to shake. It starts first of all with our head, our mouth, jaw then our hands and sometimes our legs or knees. This can even happen with lust as well. ‘ll explain why, read on…

All these angry women around, really need to work on their anger! Just as much as men do!

What’s Going on?

The force of anger is really powerful, and it comes to us from far away actually. It comes from our Being, sometimes from quite deep in our Being. The problem is that is misdirected by our mind or our psychology.

That force of anger is so powerful, it has to be, because it is the force in our Being. When it arrives in us it actually makes us to feel powerful and we can think that we are more than what we actually are when we are angry. We feel that so many things are possible, we have courage all of a sudden, our mind stops, fear is gone, we are decided, clear, definite and ready!

But the problems is when anger goes we are left being the person we are, weak, tired and shaking. We shake because the force is so strong that our body can barely handle it. The same thing with the sexual energy and currents, they are so powerful that they make the body shake as well.

We are not that force, as a human being we are the channel for those forces and we need to have the ability to be able to correctly and wisely channel these forces. And when we learn how to do that we gain benefits from those forces, they actually can enhance us. The force that is used by anger, not anger, makes us stronger and the force of sexuality makes us stronger and more creative.


It is our job to learn within ourselves how to master and wisely channel those forces. This learning is part of our adepthood or the science of ourselves.

End (1310).

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