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Sunday 11 December 2016

A Simple Definition of Awakening - (1325)


Here is a very simple and clear definition of awakening.

Many Definitions

There are many definitions of what awakening is. There are very esoteric definitions and there are very general definitions and there are psychological definitions. There are also degrees and degrees of awakening which make some of these definitions applicable or not applicable. As a person progresses in the work of awakening the definitions of awakening changes in their relevance. However, here is a very simple and practical definition that has helped me out so much and continues to help, and I suspect will continue to be of help well into the future.

What is Painful and What is Not!

Awakening in the psychological field is to know what is painful and what is not. Simple as that!

It is to know how to operate, focus, direct and control our psychology so that the pain of the various egos is avoided or annulled.

A sure unmistakable sign that we are asleep is when we repeatedly focus or operate our psychology in such a way that we end up feeling pain over and over again.

Pain is a marvellous indicator for our awakening. If something is painful it means straight away that we have got something wrong and we need to work to awaken to the reality of the situation and the reality of what our psychology is doing in this particular area of life that is making things so painful.

Seeing reality, accepting reality is not certainly not painful. It is liberating. Just as Jesus said: "the truth sets you free".

When we don't feel pain in certain areas of life, where we felt pain before, this is a good sign that we have things right and we are relatively awake or more awake or more balanced, in that area of life.

End (1325).

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