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Tuesday 13 December 2016

About Leaving the Path for Later in Life – (1339)


I came across this excerpt one day and it does a very good job at explaining the phenomena of people waiting to later in life to pursue spirituality.

It is a very good call to attention, especially if we are young or relatively young.


“When they no longer have the energy left to chase glory, power or pleasures, many people decide that it is time to become wise and think of heaven! But what are they thinking! When you have no energy left for the earth, you don’t have any for heaven either. Staying quietly in your corner isn’t wisdom and it certainly isn’t spirituality.

All those people who, when they are young, sup with the devil – let’s put it that way! – should be under no illusion; the devil turns his back on them in their old age because there is nothing left there for him. Those wretches think they are leaving of their own free will, but not at all, the devil is getting rid of them – he sends to God all those wrecks he has no more use for. And what a sight they are for the Lord! And of course, what help they are for his work when they present themselves before him!”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (1339).

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