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Tuesday 27 December 2016

Individuality Starts with Relocating the Reference Point! – (1388)

Psychological Individual

We start to experience what it is to be a psychological individual when we relocate our reference point from the outside to the inside. That is from other people or our thoughts and feelings about other people to what we know about ourselves and our own consciousness and conscience.

There are degrees of psychological individuality, however none of them can ever be attained if one has not relocated his or her reference point to be in his/her consciousness.

A person who has his or her reference point by which to cause his or her psychological processes is a person that is dependent on the reactions of others. Such a person always asks for approval, feels that he or she is always doing something wrong, always feels guilty and nervous, is always worried what others think about him or her and always feels people are looking at him or her and are judging him or her (in other words ‘self-conscious’ in ordinary everyday language).

When we have our reference point all wrong (located outside of ourselves) we are very much like puppets.

Feeling ‘self-conscious’ in ordinary everyday language is a clear sign to us that in that moment we have our reference point all wrong! Feeling this way is the opposite of being conscious of oneself.

To generate your actions from within, to do what is right or correct by your own consciousness, work, path and Being in any given moment, it is imperative that you have your reference point in those mentioned internal elements of at least our essence or consciousness or work. The path and the Being are pretty difficult to find at times but we can always (well much more readily) find consciousness and essence.

Esoteric Individual

An esoteric individual is a step up from a psychological individual. One begins to become an esoteric individual when one incarnates the human soul. There are as always, octaves of this process and the degree of esoteric or sacred individuality increases as one advances on the path as more and more parts of the person’s Being are incorporated or incarnated within the person.

End (1388).

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