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Monday 19 December 2016

Where is the Power? In the Effect or in the Cause? – (1363)

Answer: In the Cause!

When we are in the effect we blame others, we reminisce over how the circumstances conspired against us, and how it could have been different. We basically want to it to be different but we don’t know how and don’t have the ability to make it different.

When we are in the effect we are victims and we remain dwelling on the surface which are the effects. As long as we stay in the effects we will remain powerless and superficial.

Move to the Cause

This is the Gnostic way, straight to the cause. Because in the cause is where the power is. Going to the cause the situation can be transformed and not repeated.

The cause is beyond the circumstances and the effects, it goes deeper than the surface right to the origin and that is where the power is. From the origin new causes can be generated and therefore new effects.


Being a victim and blaming others and the various other external factors is no help, what is of more help is being the one who actively and deeply seeks the causes.

End (1363).

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