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Saturday 17 December 2016

Why Gnosis Began in Latin America - (1354)


There is a reason for everything. Meaning that there had to be a reason why the Divine Being whom we know has the name Samael, the fifth of the seven chose to have his vehicle born in Latin America. There has to be a reason why Samael the Divinity, the Logos of Mars decided to stay in central America, raise his bodhisattwa there and radiate Gnosis from there.

There has to be good reasons for all of these things. So in this post I am going to touch on a few reasons that are, as a Gnostic student worth considering.

Why Latin America

Why would one country be chosen over another? For reasons, mainly to do with the human, physical and esoteric characteristics of the country, I guess.

Human factors I imagine would cover factors such as the people who live there, their particular characteristics, their particular strengths,  traditions, religion, government and society values etc. The geography may also play a role but more importantly are the esoteric factors such as the spiritual maturity of the people, the presence of magnetic esoteric centres of force in the country, past esoteric civilizations, recurrences, karmic values, esoteric time cycles such as the location of the emergence of a new sub-race, destiny etc.

Human Factors


Gnosis had to begin in these times in Latin America. When I use my imagination to see how a Gnostic movement could emerge from within any other country, I imagine it being very difficult and slow. For example, if Samael the Logos tried to raise his bodhisattwa in Australia and erect the Gnostic Movement. It would have taken much longer. Imagine Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, no way would he have been able to do it. 

Mainly because of the characteristics of the people who helped Master Samael, was Master Samael able to open and establish the Gnostic movement and maintain it in a very steady expansive march. 

The people of Latin America are special in that they have a certain innate esotericism, which allows them to accept and practice esoteric teachings very quickly, and because of a lack of a complicated intellect they get results and quick results. They are able to perceive very quickly, and naturally what is more true than false when it comes to esotericism. They take to esotericism with the heart and that makes things to flourish quickly, and intensely.

Immense sacrifices were needed on Master Samael's part and on the part of those who were there helping him to open the Gnostic Movement. A new revolutionary way had to be blazed and the many obstacles from human, psychological and esoteric sources had to be overcome. They certainly faced a lot of resistance and many difficulties.   

Gnosis now days has the way clear to expand thanks to the efforts of the people from Latin America that made very severe sacrifices to open the way and continue blazing the way open, until the way had been established. 

This could not have been done so quickly in Australia, North America, New Zealand, in the North of Europe etc. The people in these places as we know are generally more of the intellect and are a little complicated and require a long time to really practice something, trust in it and love it. 

No English speaking missionary has learnt another language and carried out a mission in a different country and in a different language to their own. The missionaries from Latin America did this all over the globe. Thanks to them we have Gnosis in Australia, North  America and Europe.

Light from the West

Now it is the time of the West to spread the light. So to do this a western Country had to be chosen. And why not America becasue it is also the grounds upon which the seventh and final sub-race will emerge from or is actually right now emerging from. 

Magnetic Centre

There is also I have been told that in Central America in Mexico is a special magnetic centre of spiritual force that radiates spiritual help to support the teachings of the way back to the Being or the teachings of self-realization. The centre of the New Age of Aquarius is in Mexico where Master was.


Taking all these factors into account I can understand why Gnosis began in Central America amongst the people of those lands. 
End (1354).

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