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Sunday 29 January 2017

Eye for an Eye Working Principle – (1480)

Apply Justice to the Ego!

The law of karma tends to work that way in most things: an eye for an eye, but we know there exists negotiation and pardon.

This post is not about that really. It is good to say anyway that if something really big an unfair happens in your life or just something unfair happens, leave it in the hands of the Gods to amend. Don’t take things into your own hands.

The Principle

So if the ego takes ten minutes of your life in dreaming, fantasy or fascination and identification, take those ten minutes back by working on it for 10 minutes.

Tell it: “Alright mate you took ten minutes from me I am going to take 10 minutes from you concentrating on that which you most detest!”.

If you lost psychic energy through identification, then transmute or do runes to get that energy back.

If it made you to be distracted, concentrate on it studying it and regain your focus.

If we suffered some harm then go against it and be happy, reward yourself by going to your essence and self-remembering.

And so on…


This is not a bad way to create discipline of working on the egos that we have. It is quite simple and sometimes simple things are best. We usually tend to the side of doing less work on the ego but by holding to this discipline we can improve the number of times we work on the ego.

A student use to always tell me: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

End (1480).

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