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Thursday 19 January 2017

Hang Out with the Dead or Dying – (1457)

One Good Thing

One good thing that we can do for ourselves is to hang out with those who are dying or are dead.


This helps us a lot because through our interactions with them we can get to know how they think without the egos that we are trying to dissolve. We can also see how happy they are without the ego that we are trying to dissolve. They can also impart to us new points of view about how the ego we are trying to dissolve is inconvenient and unnecessary. Such a person does not strengthen the egos that we have but makes them weaker by giving us a concrete base upon which to deepen our comprehension and actually live out eh dissolution of the ego.

By hanging out with them we can also see in real time how they deal with issues in practical life that would in us provoke the ego, but in them they solve or deal with the situation without the ego.

If we Can’t Hang Out

If we can’t hang out with anyone that is dying or dead we have to read and listen to people who are dying or who are dead or who have at least overcome a defect or bad habit or bad tendency or those who live out some virtue or quality that is the opposite of the ego we are trying to dissolve.


Doing this a big help for us in our work of mystical death and it also helps us to know or appreciate in a real and balanced way how mystical death is lived out. We can have some very strange concepts at times that are too sensational and exaggerated in nature.

End (1457).

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