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Sunday 1 January 2017

Importance of Spiritual Force - (1399)

Spiritual Force from the Christ and the Avatar

We may ignore at times how important the spiritual supply of force from the Avatar (Master Samael) and the Christ is!

Keeping loyal and in line with the teachings of the Avatar (Master Samael's Gnosis and the Three Factors) we are protected and supported with that marvelous spiritual force. Even with all the egos we have we are still supported and kept standing in the work and in the fight for our own liberation and in the fight for the liberation of others.

As soon as we go astray and veer away from the teachings, the supply of force is cut in accordance with our deviations. Then a person may realise where their force was really coming from.

When the force is withdrawn, oh my goodness, it is sad. We then amount to nothing. There are cases like that around and we can only lament them and learn from them.

As students and missionaries, a lot of our force comes from the Avatar - Master Samael and the Christ.

We have force in our essence and in our Being but when we are not inline and not in accordance with the three factors, that force deviates into something else and aligns with something else and if that something else is unjust that force that we have in our essence and Being can be blocked by the Law, and then we are in strife, in all the senses!

That is why at the beginning of our studies in Gnosis, we go through the most difficult times, becasue we have to adjust our physical, psychological and esoteric constitution to match those forces and that is difficult. When it is done things change.

Master Samael writes that he remembered when the forces of Mars withdrew from Germany during the second world war. As soon as that force of Mars withdrew it wasn't long before Germany began to falter. The forces of Mars could not support the injustices that Germany was committing.  


I think the best conclusion to this post is to be grateful for the Avatar, the Christ, the venerable Masters of the white lodge, our Being, our essence and our work that keeps us standing.

End (1399).

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