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Thursday 5 January 2017

Key Points to Work on Pride - (1418)


Here is another snippet from the retreat late last year.

Key Points

How do we express pride in our word? We may think humility is to feel less and to be quiet and careful with our words. But that is still pride.

To be able to express the value of the essence called humility we have to go and remove all the traces of pride from our psychology.

My marvellous missionary said that there are “egos that belong to the region of the sun”, meaning that there are very subtle egos in the Being that need to be dissolved.

These are the egos of the P. P. P that are worked upon until the end of the work in mystical death.

Pride can not be dissolved until a complete level of balance has been reached within us.

Pride has to do with balance, majesty and dignity.

Pride looks and seeks out injustice everywhere it can. It is very sensitive lo agate. It looks for unfairness in love, in being given importance, in friendship, in being cared for, in receiving passions etc.

End (1418).

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