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Sunday 8 January 2017

Recognising Karmic Instruments - (1424)

People can be Karmic Instruments

Our own karma needs certain instruments to be processed, and so we have people as karmic instruments for that purpose. We can be at a given time or for an extended period of time a karmic instrument for a particular person or group of people, and people can be a karmic instrument for us. 

In either case, whether we are a karmic instrument or they are, there is beginning and an end to it all and there is a reason why they or we are karmic instruments, and there is a reason why they and we behave a certain way as karmic instruments. The reason is basically that of cancelling a debt, and cancelling in accordance with the way the debt was incurred.

In this Post

In this post what I wanted to address is that there is a special flavour when we are subject to a karmic instrument and also when we are a karmic instrument for somebody. Even being a karmic instrument for someone may mean that we accrue karma. The degree to which we accrue karma, all depends upon  how far we take it. If we allow the cruel egos that we have to take things beyond the limits of justice then obviously we will accrue karma or fall into debt. If we stay with what is just then it makes sense that we are not going to accrue karma. 

In any case it is not advisable to be a karmic instrument for anybody. Sometimes we can not at all avoid it, but if we can that is the best. So this post will help, I hope, us to better be able to identify the situation when we are under karma and when we are an instrument of karma.

When we are a Karmic Instrument

There is certainly a very special signature feeling or observation that we can make, that tells us straight away that we are acting as a karmic instrument. I'll tell you...

When it happens that we have to say 'no' to someone or stop someone or block someone or avoid someone, we can know that we are a karmic instrument when a certain very tough, 'hard as nails', almost merciless force (unusual for most of us) enters us and we feel totally dedicated to saying 'no' and we feel determined beyond our normal level of determination to say 'no' and not give an inch. We remain unmoved when the person tries to negotiate or begs for a tiny concession.

This force blinds us or turns our emotions off to the difficulty that the other person is facing and we remain committed to our position of saying 'no'. This force remains in us until the situation has been solved and has settled down or actually it remains in us really until the person begins to substantially pay off that debt.

When Others are a Karmic Instrument

So here is the key if you want a karmic instrument off your back. Work furiously, die and pay as much of the debt back as you can. Here, all night practices and other intense sacrifices are very very useful. But first you have to know what to work on and what to pay back.

When someone is a karmic instrument for us, everything with that person is difficult. Ill-will abounds, things don't go smoothly and there is a feeling of being trapped and oppressed in the air. A certain feeling of being powerless to change the situation  is felt. You may want to change it but you can't.


When others are above us as a boss, or in some kind of charge or role of authority they can certainly be at one point a karmic instrument for us. And vice versa if we occupy a position of authority we can very easily be a karmic instrument for others.


Have you been a karmic instrument at one point or another? We all have! If you are being oppressed by a person who you suspect is a karmic instrument for you try and observe this unrelenting characteristic in the person. This unusual hardness, this very inflexible stands, this very merciless position will be apparent in the person if you observe them carefully. If you see it, you have it, they are a karmic instrument for you. Work and work to get out from under it!!! 

Petitions to the Divine Law can help us to know who is a karmic instrument in our life and also for who are we a karmic instrument. The most precious piece of information that the Divine Law may leak out to us is the what needs to be repaid and how it can be. Once we know we can work to gradually end their function of having to be a karmic instrument in our lives.

The main thing is to defeat the law with work and merits not by fighting and protesting or crying.

End (1424).

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