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Sunday 29 January 2017

Superior Emotional Centre and the Ray of Creation – (1476)

In the Superior Intellect

Master Samael says that the superior emotional centre is inside the superior intellectual centre. This has to be because there is no emotion without a thought. Therefore there can be no superior emotion without a superior thought generated by the superior intellectual centre.

Your Being helps you through your superior emotional centre. The more you keep your consciousness active the more
the Being helps us! Marvelous Marvelous That's the Key!!!

Ray of Creation Organises Itself in the Superior Emotional Centre

Master Samael says some marvellous things in the El Quinto Evangelio” on page 2473 he says that the ray of creation which emanates from our Being organises itself in our superior emotional centre.

When the ray of creation from our Being enters our emotional centre it organises itself into teachings, guidance, wisdom, dreams and certain dramas and scenarios that appear in our dreams with purpose of helping, guiding and instructing us. Also certain didactic sets of experiences and circumstances are also formed and generated from within the superior emotional centre thanks to the ray of creation emanating from our Being.

The masters of the conscious circle of solar humanity also, Master Samael said help us through our superior centres.

Active Consciousness and Superior Emotional Centre

Master Samael said that there is a proviso, which is the help from our Being through our superior emotional centre comes to us according to how many times we give our consciousness the chance during the day to be active.

If we don’t give our consciousness any time to be active we are not going to be able to receive the help from our Being though our superior emotional centre.

More Essence More Space for Our Being to Deposit His Help

The more essence and the more space we have available in our essence the more our Being can deposit his wisdom, ideas, impulses and help to. The essence and the consciousness in us are envoys of the Being, they are agents of our Being, and if we have very little there is very little of the Being in us. So we need to free as much essence as we can and awaken as much consciousness as we can!!!

End (1476). 

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