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Tuesday 17 January 2017

Symbol of the Tiger - (1449)


Animals are usually taken as symbols of certain qualities, or characteristics because they are the ones that best embody, use and live out those qualities.

For example, the fox and the snake are said to be symbols of astuteness, because they are both very cunning and astute.


The tiger is basically an oriental symbol, which may be useful when it comes to interpreting dreams with tigers in it.

Basically the tiger is a symbol of energy, vitality and courage. The photo below certainly shows these qualities.

The tiger in Asia is considered a sacred animal and it wasn't until Alexander the Great that the tigers became known to the West. Some ambassadors from India gave the Roman Emperor Augustus some tigers and this was the first time that the western world had seen a tiger.

Tiger skins were worn by the royalty only of India and many of the Heroes of India and parts of Asia were depicted riding on the backs of tigers. Indicating the strength and vigour of the hero.

The Tiger, Master Samael says, is a powerful animal and elemental and helps one in taking their physical body into a state of Jinas. He recommended to get hold of a tiger skin and meditate on the top of it, begging the elemental connected to tit for its assistance in taking one's physical body into a state of Jinas.

This Photo Inspired this Post

This post is one where the image inspired the words. Usually it is the other way around the words come first and the images afterwards.

This Siberian tiger, to me anyway, shows in his look, a certain very potent energy, strength and power. There is also a clear calculated knowing there as well.

This tiger is no turkey, he knew what he had to do in the situation that he was photographed in. There was no catching him unaware.

Wherever you are I hope you are still alive! Your strength and vitality in life are admirable!

End (1449).

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