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Wednesday 4 January 2017

What Makes Your Personality Active? - (1410)

Don’t Tell Me you Don’t Know!

If you don’t know, how are you going to make your personality passive then?

Well who cares, just go and find out.

Hang on a minute, we are interested in making our personality passive so that we can activate our consciousness or at least make the effort of activating our consciousness easier.

This post is about giving some ideas on what can make our personality active.

Factors that Activate Our Personality

Control Freaks

When we want to control the way an event unfolds we have our personality active.

When we are trying to control the decisions of others we have our personality active and often we can get into what is called a ‘clash of personalities”.

When we are trying to control the impressions that we emit so to try and control what others are thinking of us we have our personality active and our consciousness is far from being active.

Being in a Hurry

When we are in a hurry or are working quickly we often go into personality mode.


When we are wanting to be important and taking things with lots of importance and placing an exaggerated importance on things we have our personality active. Especially if those things that we are making important are to do with the things of life.

When we want to know everything and we are planning things we have our personality active once again.

Customs and Traditions

When we are engaged in our particular customs and traditions we can have a part of our personality active once again. We don’t have to have our personality active we can have our consciousness active here but by default we end up having our personality active instead.


When we are with our family and we are engaged once again, giving advice, giving reprimands, talking in the way that they speak, complaining, eating all the way that they all eat etc. we have our personality active. We may feel quite good doing this and that is good, it good to know that these times can be enjoyed more intensely with our consciousness present, even we can get a glimpse into why we have the chance to enjoy such a time.

Roles and Jobs

When we are identified with a certain role whether it be a role in our physical work or in our family we have our personality active and it is for sure hard to get our consciousness active when actively engaged in such a role.

End (1410).

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