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Tuesday 3 January 2017

When it Comes to Dealing with People Take Advice from those who Face People - (1407)


I would rather take advice about what to do with people from someone who often faces people and does well with people.

To take advice totally about what to do with someone from someone who does not face people or has not faced a particular person that you have to deal with, is odd.

I would take the good from what they advise and combine it with the way I usually face and deal with that person, that we may have to deal with.

To follow the person’s advice or order from someone who does not face people or has not faced that person that you have to deal with, to the letter, from my experience brings something that is a little painful actually for oneself and also for the other person but not for the person giving the advice or the order.

The results often speak for themselves, if you follow their advice to the letter. Two people, you and the other person you have to do deal with are left feeling a little empty, perhaps disgruntled and upset, when that could have been intelligently avoided.

If though they have passed through something similar or have dealt
with the results before I would happily take their advice.

Best Way

By taking the advice or the order and blending it with the way you normally face that person is the best way. That way, the person giving the order sees the order being fulfilled, and the person receiving the instructions receives them in a normal way, which is a way that they are use to, and find palatable.

End (1407).

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