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Wednesday 22 February 2017

Everything Costs – (1534)

Monetary and Non-Monetary – Everything has a Cost

Everyone I think knows this that everything costs. The question for us is to know and to determine if this cost is worth it.

This is not a financial cost, that is so many dollars or euros, but an intellectual, emotional, motor – physical and spiritual cost. Something that is paid with the capital residing in our essence and three brains.

Knowing the Cost

Knowing the cost of certain egos manifesting and knowing the cost of feeding certain egos is part of our comprehension of the ego and when we feel and come to the well understood conclusion that this cost is not worth it, we can virtually remove the base from underneath the ego.

No Longer Affordable

I say this because we still go with the ego when we still think its cost is worth it or that we can still somehow manage or live or cope with its cost. When we no longer can pay or cope with the cost we are ready to definitely say NO!

In the beginning with the work on the ego we can afford the cost of it, but as we work we can no longer afford the cost of it manifesting and even being alive in us!

What do you feel in your entrails? Can you still afford the ego?

End (1534).

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