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Sunday 5 February 2017

Find an Answer as to Why You are Doing that or are Like That! – (1496)

Gnosis Inspires Profound Investigation

Gnosis tells us to be profound. Not too be superficial and accept superficial reasons. Gnosis wants that we know things about ourself with our consciousness.

When our consciousness knows something we can transform, change and ‘be different’ which is more profound than to just change.

If there is Something. Investigate it!

If we are a certain way or we are doing something and we want to know why we have must investigate. Search and search until we find an answer as to why we are like that. It may take days or weeks but we must arrive at that precise ‘knowing”. Otherwise any intent on changing will eventually come undone.

Don’t Accept Nonsense –Shut Up and Find it!

Don’t accept any nonsense from yourself that you can’t find the answer. Shut up and find it! It is yourself and no one else can find the answer but you! Only you can master you or know you so take it up and find the answer. Focus and concentrate deeply on yourself perceiving deep from within yourself the reason as to why you are like this or are doing this or that.

Darkness Yields to the Light!

By Law the darkness always yields its secrets to the light. In this case the darkness is our subconsciousness or our unawareness and the light is our consciousness. As soon as the light hits the darkness all is always revealed. Darkness is always always dispelled in our bedroom or bathroom for example when we turn on the light.

End (1496).

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