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Thursday 16 February 2017

God Wants You to Grow, Not to Lap it Up! – (1518)

Do you Think?

Do you think God wants you to have a very comfortable and easy life with lots of luxury and full of good times always?

Honestly do you think that what God wants? Do you think that your Being wants that for you? Well we don’t really know for sure but it is likely that God would want more for us.

What About to Grow?

What about for us to grow? That makes sense especially from the Gnostic point of view and also from the conventional religious point of view as well.

Our Being wants us to change to be different to unravel the conditioning of the essence by learning and understanding so that He can stand freely and manifest freely.

Finally I know where that phrase comes from Matthew 7:7.

Prayers Not Answered

When we pray asking to end our suffering we may not have our prayers answered because that is perhaps not what God wants of us. Our Being, God may want that we grow, gain wisdom, become stronger and so that suffering is necessary to him.

We should then pray asking for the strength to endure the suffering until the learning has been learnt, and for the ability to understand as fully as possible the reasons for why we suffer.

We are, me included so weak, we cry like big babies when we suffer, praying for it to be taken away. I have found it so much better to accept it and work with, collaborate with the will of the one that has given me life so that He and myself are wiser, stronger, more tolerant, considerate after it all.

End (1518).

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