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Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mantras: Step 3 – Concentration – (1553)


This one is obvious right?

Principle Behind

The principle behind concentration in relation to the use of mantras is that for the mantra to take form effectively our intention and purpose must be constantly flowing through and the power of the mantra must be focussed on something.

Just imagine if you are chanting the mantra KRIM to dissolve a certain ego and you are not wanting to dissolve it really and you are not even focussing ton that ego where is all that force of the mantra KRIM going to go? Nowhere right?

So concentration is needed to focus our so that it can flow through the mantra and be directed to the right place.

The mantra and the word create a certain geometry and this geometry can not be created if there is no focus and no intention.

Sand Patterns (Geometry) produced by sound travelling through a board of sand.


The word produces objective geometric figures. Said figures are filled with cosmic matter and crystallize materially. In the beginning was the Verb and the Verb was with God, and the Verb was God; because of Him, all things were made! The geometric figures of words are concretely demonstrated on recording tape. It is enough to pass the needle over the tape for all the words pronounced by the speaker to resound with intensity.”


Without concentration the power of the mantram can not reach its target.

End (1553).

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