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Wednesday 1 February 2017

People are so Mean to their Sexual Centre – (1488)


People have a really unconscious relationship to the centres of their human machine in general and especially to their sexual centre.

People are usually so mean to their sexual centre. It is like they are divorced from it, yet still recognise that it is part of their constitution.

There, in short is not a unitotal acceptance of and responsibility for it. If there were the sexual behaviour of the human being would very different. Obviously this lack of acceptance and responsibility rests in ignorance or in the sleeping consciousness.

Accept Yes but then No!

People relate to others this way. One part of them likes their spouse because they bring in the money for a comfortable and secure life, yet another part does not want them husband because they are a bit boring, a bit lazy at home and just want to stay at home all the time.

The truth though is such types of relationships that are like yes and no, yes and no in equal amounts end up in a no and end badly. The exact same thing happens with our relationship with the sexual centre. When we have lust the result is that we don’t really like our sexual centre and that is big time wrong! I’ll explain why this is.

Relationships to the Sexual Centre

People are like the above example with their sexual centre. One of part of lust likes the sexual centre because of the sensations that it can produce. However, what really happens is that people abuse their sexual centre they demand of it, pressurise it, extinguish it etc. and these demands turn into violence of infra-sexuality where sexuality and violence get mixed.

Then there is the other part of lust that gets bothered by the sexual centre, because it sees that something has to be done with it because the sexual energy has accumulated and it has become a bit of a bothering, distracting problem.

There can be even a part of the sleeping essence inside lust that dislikes or resents the sexual centre because that sleeping essence feels that the sexual centre has it trapped into a duty of having to always do something with it. This piece of sleeping essence may also know that it has become embottled because of the sexual centre. But it was not the sexual centre that gave rise to the “I” it was the wrong use of by the essence that gave rise to the “I”. So some parts of lust can hate the sexual centre and the sexual energy, that is normal. This is what we have to change or transform.

Above Accept and Reject

The conscious sexuality is very different, it respects profoundly the sexual centre and accepts it and is responsible for it in a very unitotal way. It integrates with it and does not see it as a problem, but rather sees it as an ally. It’s intelligence controls the sexual centre for the benefit of the whole person in all three dimensions of physicality, psychology and spirituality.

Two Sides of Lust – Accept and Reject

A part of lust apparently likes the sexual centre but really it doesn’t, it abuses it, it divorces from it and only wants sensations from it to add various interpretations to it so to make us feel better or good or powerful or great or liked or loved or cared for or handsome, pretty or desirable or whatever it is we lack!


We can deal another strong blow the egos of lust, and fornication (egos that lose the sexual energy) by making our relationship with our sexual centre more conscious and lifting it out of duality, that is above the two poles of accept and reject. It is a part of us!

This is to have a more conscious sexuality which is the what lust is not and this gives us solid and true grounds for repentance. Because we can repent once we see how bad our relationship has been to our own sexual centre. How we have mistreated it etc. and how this mistreatment has had an effect on our whole system

End (1488).

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