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Wednesday 22 February 2017

Scared of Denying – (1532)

Holy Negating

This is what we are scared of – denying the ego.

The Christ in us is the Holy denying. He is the force that says no to the ego!

This says many things. The first thing that it says is that if the Christ in us is the Holy Negating, and the Christ is a an autonomous and self-consciousnesses part of our Being it means that He negates or denies the ego consciously.

As the Christ is Love in us his negation of the ego must be aligned with his nature of love. This tells us that it must be done with love and not duty. But of course conscious love, not sensual or emotional love. The basis of anything conscious is comprehension. Therefore comprehension and love must be at the base of your efforts to deny the ego.


We may feel scared because we think that it is going to be painful or difficult. True sometimes it is.

We may also feel scared, because we believe that at some later point we will end up undoing our commitment of denying the ego and therefore fail.

If we feel we will fail, it is because we know that our commitment to deny or renounce has holes in it. That is, it lacks comprehension. We feel that when the situation with that ego gets difficult we know that our weapons of comprehension are just not strong enough to push that ego back and so we will fail.

Well you are right! There is no other alternative but to strengthen comprehension and work until your weapons of comprehension are so strong that you feel that they will hold you steadfast in the storm that the ego will provoke in you.

The basis of  denying the ego is exactly this, a strong enough comprehension and the faith in that comprehension. Then you will succeed and you know that you will as well.

End (1532).

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