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Sunday 5 February 2017

Some Work Aids - (1494)

An Aid

Sometimes it can be quite useful to have a procedure very present in our mind about how we can effectively deal with certain egos that pop up within us. This post is about giving you some of these short procedures summarized in the form of a more or less easy to remember acronym.

Short Procedures

If you have these acronyms that represent very short procedures of how to counteract the ego, very present within you especially when an ego is about to react they can be of enormous help.

Effectiveness Can Depend on the Person

Once again it depends on the person, such things may be useless to one person but helpful to another.

Create Your Own Work Aids

Even a particular acronym maybe not be helpful to a particular person, however in such a case one may take the idea and create based on their own observations and work, new acronyms that are more effective as an aid to help them to counteract the ego on the spot.

What Experience has Showed Me

What experience has showed me, is that if we don’t have knowledge of how to counteract the egos on the spot we end up being a victim of the egos.

S.W.A.T Anger

S:            Stop
W:          Wait
A:            and
T:            Think

This is so handy to deal with anger. If you just stop and wait for a short while and begin to think creatively about the solution, you will see how much this helps. The only thing is to know how effective it is one has to give it a try. Unfortunately you have to get angry to see how effective it is.

S.C.A.L Confusion, Procrastination, Hesitation, Inertia, Laziness etc.

S:            Stop
C:            Collaborate
A:            and
L:            Listen

This is a verse from a song that is not very constructive for the consciousness, however it can be helpful in dealing with such internal states as confusion, procrastination, hesitation, vacillation, inertia, laziness etc.

By collaborate I mean to work with ‘the work’ or work with the Being in you and think based on the work or for the benefit of the Being and then go inside of yourself and listen to what you really want to do. What comes from the depths of your Being or in other words what comes to you to from a place that is deeper than the personality, mind and the egos. This more authentically you and is more of what you truly want to do and not what the ego wants to do.

S.I.T Lust

S:            Stop
I:             Inhale
T:            Transmute

This is extraordinarily helpful. We get into trouble because we just don’t do anything. We have to do something and when we do we will reap the benefits of having done something.

So that ‘s the key with lust, physically transmute the sexual impulse and then also psychologically transmute it, seeing that sexuality is a unifying factor it connects us to ourselves and to the Being and therefore to the cosmos. It enhances us and dignifies us when we transmute it.


Feel free to give these or your own work aids a shot. This is a very good way to teach beginners in the work on the ego. It presents them with a concrete method of counteracting the ego and once they have some experience they can drop the work aid.

Even though a person has been studying Gnosis for a long time, there are times where one is like a beginner when it comes to working certain egos that have not been worked on before. And so having such a work aid for a while is helpful.

End (1494).

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