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Thursday 9 February 2017

Truth is in the Third – (1502)

The Third Pole

From the very practical and personal point of view, the third pole is what satisfies the inquiring intellect because it provides ‘the reason’, dispels the doubting thoughts, relieves the despairing emotion and illuminates the consciousness.

It is like it changes the weather within us. It dispels the storm clouds (doubting thoughts), clams the stormy waters (emotion) and allows the sun to shine (consciousness) in a clear sky over calm waters.
It seems that within us, there is a kind of meteorology present…

The Third Pole is the Truth

Master Samael says that the third pole is where the truth is found. When the two opposites are brought together a third is always created (this is by the law of three).

In the combination of the two opposites is the appearance of the third which is the balance point, which is the consciousness, the wisdom and which is also the truth.

That is where the truth is found in the third pole!

Third Logos

The Third Logos being the third pole has wisdom has its principal attribute. This is because the Third Logos or the Third Primary Force is related to the reconciling force that brings the two opposite forces together which are the Holy Affirming and Holy Negating forces, that is the First Primary Force, the First Logos and the Second Primary Force the Second Logos.

Third Pole is Sexuality

Real sexuality is not in one or the other pole, that is not in male or female, but it is in the combination of the two poles and also in the result of the combination. That is sexuality and so that is why the Third Logos is related with the sexual energy because it, the Third Primary Force is the third pole which is the creation of that when the two opposite poles come together.

The Third Logos is sexuality, and so that is also why everything that is the result of the two opposite poles coming together is sexuality, and the two opposites come together in life everywhere all the time and in many different forms, in the form of ideas, two opposite ideas, tow opposite approaches, two opposite feelings, two opposite sides or points of view, two opposite qualities, two opposite actions etc. etc.

That is why life is entirely sexual (when two opposites combine that is sexuality in the most general sense) and that is why with sexuality we always have the possibilities of transformation, because when we combine the two opposites, we can go to the consciousness, wisdom and the truth (the truth always transforms) or we can fail (ego reacts and interferes etc.) in the process of combining the two opposites to bring us the truth and this failure is then transformed into difficult consequences, more complications and more sleep of the consciousness.

Third Pole Appears with Contrast

I always wondered how can I create the third pole and the answer is by contrast.

I was always dissatisfied by just doing the opposite. The ego wants to fornicate so we do the opposite we transmute, the ego wants to get angry so we do the opposite and remain calm and direct our force intelligently, pride wants to reject, remain separate and wait for people to come to us and so we do the opposite and go calmly to be with the people. But why, isn’t the opposite just the same as the ego just that is opposite? There has to be more, and not getting this ‘more’ was what was deeply dissatisfying me.

This ‘more’ is arrived at through contrast and it is the third pole and it is the wisdom and it is what brings the truth.

So you have the desire to do something, then you do the opposite. But that is not all you must then contrast to get the wisdom, the light, the truth.

Contrast Illuminates the Consciousness

This is a life saver. When you bring the two opposites together you see the reason for doing the opposite. You comprehend why one opposite is better than the other, but the real truth, the real thing is that you see what the real way is, the truth is the combination of the two opposites, the middle way. The middle way corresponds to the wise way, the consciousness, the balance and the truth.

The Alchemy is the middle way entirely.

Contrast Also Implies

Contrast also means to struggle to do something. It is also action.

The truth is absolute, meaning that is outside the relative.

For example, we may choose one side because relative to the work of self-realisation it may be the right side. But relative to the way to the abyss the right side is the opposite of what we chose for the work.

The truth is absolute and so it is beyond the relative choices.

In regards to sexuality, the truth is that sexuality is there to create and also to create consciousness. Anything else means a failure of sexuality or a diversion of its true purpose. The true purpose is to use elements from both sides to create and to generate sparks of creation which includes consciousness and wisdom.

So How Then Do you Contrast?


So you have ‘do it’ and ‘don’t do it’ as the two opposites.


Then bring the ‘do it’ experience and results up against the ‘don’t do it’ experience and results.


Obviously one will feel more stressful than the other one. Our emotion will primarily speak to us.


Now appears the result of the contrast, where we feel the difference between one and the other. The one that is not stressful corresponds more to our true nature (essence) and it is also not going to produce negative or inconvenient results.


This may be good enough, but we must go deeper to get the wisdom, the consciousness and the truth.
Especially if the desire persists we must contrast again at a deeper level.


Contrast is also to struggle and to look for the truth. It is to apply the work and see what understanding comes. A new discovery perhaps may arise this is what contrast offers.
Contrast may not just be the simple thing of bringing the two opposites together in an exercise of two minutes it can also be to struggle and to work for hours. Something that it is always, is that it is to always do something.


If we just stay on one side, that is on one opposite, we won’t get the light. Even if it is the relative good side. We have to use both sides to get the light. For example, we want to eat heaps and by our first contrast we know that this is not the way, it is inconvenient and we will feel not so well afterwards. So we decide not to eat heaps, we have gotten some light but not enough. We have to go deeper. We must contrast deeper.


So we then use the side of desiring to eat heaps and look into it. We combine the two sides once again, we may ask: “if I don’t eat, what is that desire telling me that I am missing out on?”. It says that “I am missing out on filling in some emptiness coming from loneliness, being involved in some interesting and pleasurable distraction and getting some kind of satisfaction at least, which is better than nothing.”. Ok here we have something, more light from the contrast.


Then we discovered the truth why we have that desire. That there is a lack behind that desire and that lack seeks to be filled and the way that it seeks fulfilment is in a way that is not direct to the cause and so it will continue to perpetuate itself only seemingly being fulfilled but never really.

We see that we have an emotional lack and we are using the emotions derived from the pleasing of the senses to address that emotional lack. It is a mismatch really. Feeling lonely is a lack of self-consciousness or in other words a lack of awareness or connectedness to our inner Being. Once more connected to a real Being we feel more connected to everything. We feel lonely because we have abandoned ourselves or our Inner Real Being which is essentially ourselves.

So our loneliness must be filled with self-awareness, meditation, contemplation, prayer or dialogue with our inner Real Being. That is address the lack directly and to come to balance and to dissolve the “I’s” of loneliness which are the wrong solution seekers to the problem of loneliness.


Do something always to look for the truth. Use contrast as your main tool to do this. If you dare go to find the truth beyond any reference point. The truth is absolute and so rests above any reference point. Because then once the absolute truth has been captured about that point there is nothing more beyond that in that area.

End (1502).

1 comment:

  1. this is great! I have struggled greatly with "how to transmute". thank you so much. I love your work, keep it up!
