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Sunday 26 February 2017

Waiting Intelligently is an Effective and Valid Technique Against the Ego – (1547)

When the Question is the Ego

When it is the ego waiting does marvels!

The ego can make us think that something is so important and irresistible. But if we just wait for that storm to pass we see that everything changes. What seemed so impossible now seems possible and what seemed so important and irresistible now seems unimportant and matter of fact.

Know When to Wait Intelligently

We have to know when to intelligently wait and when we shouldn’t wait.

When we wait intelligently we know that we will feel very differently soon and so this bit of knowledge helps us to remain calm and to not get so identified with the storm. You can put the thoughts and feelings aside and then because you know that their importance and irresistibility is just an illusion, in a few days’ time it will be different.

Golden Rule

The golden rule is when it is the ego that is involved wait! When it is the work involved don’t wait – work.

If it is a mixture of both, that is, it is beneficial for the work but an ego many fatten itself in the process, maybe take the risk or maybe not. You have to weigh it up and make your decision. Maybe try and withdraw, but make sure you can withdraw though.

“Ponder carefully and think wisely” is what my marvellous missionary would say.

End (1547).

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