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Thursday 2 February 2017

What is Your Self-Worth? – (1492)

You Probably Don’t Know

We probably don’t know within ourselves what our self-worth is yet. This is because we have not thought about it just yet. This is because we havn’t as yet asked ourselves the question: “What am I worth?” and honestly searched for a deep and sincere answer just yet.

When we ask and sincerely search for an answer, something new arises in us.

Answering the Question: “What is our self-worth?”

When we ask ourselves the question and search for an answer, we may find that we are worth $250,000 in new sales to the company that we work for, we may also find that we are worth all the bills paid, food on the table, household chores being done on time, support to our family when needed, a reliable tax payer, etc. But is that really our self-worth? No! That is more our external value to others and society.

What is the value of yourself to yourself? That is more what self-worth is.

Some people may just answer immediately: “a rubbish bin” or a “demi-god”. Both answers of course are not right. We have to go beyond these two extremes and look for the truth of the matter.

We may start by becoming aware of all of our good points, virtues or values and then being aware of our lacks and defects.

You may also explore your inherent value, which is you in life as a person, as a citizen, and then you in the spiritual field: you as an essence and you as a vehicle of a Divinity (a Monad).

What is that value of you as an essence connected to a Divinity? It maybe be hard to know but it is very different to the value that you give yourself or makes you to give to yourself when someone rejects you or does not smile at you or treats you badly, isn’t it?

Our Self-Worth Holding Steadfast in the Storm

Why do we give ourselves a low value when we are rejected when we already have our value or self-worth set as an essence who has a Divinity? Maybe because we havn’t established our true self-worth yet.

If we have established clearly to ourselves what our true self-worth is it is difficult that we so easily accept from ourselves and from others a value or a worth that is different to this true self-worth that we have set up inside of ourselves. Whether ourselves (another ego) or someone else gives us a value or worth that is greater or less than what our true self-worth is!


We have to reflect on that of our self-worth and establish the correct view of it or appreciation of it.
If we don’t reflect on it we will continue to be a victim of our own egos of pride, self-love and of course self-importance.

End (1492).

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